GoMeddo offers a new way for conflict checking, called Conflict Rules

In GoMeddo it was already possible to do very advanced conflict checking, using double booking, availability or capacity checking, however you can now create your own rules, which brings it to a new level by allowing you to capture your business logic in Conflict Rules.

Conflict Rules allow you to fully enforce your business logic on reservations which are being made using GoMeddo. This makes sure that the only reservations that can be made are the ones allowed. 

You can use any data on the reservation itself, related records and data on the resource, staff, availability or anything you’re booking and in your rules, allowing for endless possibilities. You can even use the permissions of the user, trying to make the reservation.
Plus, you have the ability to provide detailed feedback to users attempting to make reservations, explaining why certain actions are not allowed or issuing warnings.

It allows you to configure use cases, which were a lot harder to set-up or not possible in the past:

  • It's now possible to allow reservations of a certain type to be booked only in certain rooms in combination with specific staff with specific skills. 
  • Allow Rooms to have a different capacity in different periods, allowing you to set up capacity like you can do with availability. 

And that's just the beginning!

In addition, we're including a set of standard rules that are ready to be deployed or used as inspiration to create your own rules using our formula editor.

We're gradually rolling out this feature to a selected group of customers initially, aiming to gather valuable feedback and explore further possibilities. 

If you're interested, don't hesitate to get in touch with our product team today!


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